Monday, August 26, 2013

Improving CPG Brand Awareness via Premium Searches

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John Doe was just looking for suggestions to a great vacation destination, but he ended up with 117,000 search results on Google. Like most internet users, he had difficulty choosing what link to click. He basically got lost in a jungle of search results. The thing is that such instances of information overload can actually provide smart CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) marketers with a window of opportunity.

In this current life on the fast lane, brand awareness will reign supreme. This batch of packaged consumer goods can be the present popular objects, but if the consumers do not know that they exist, or are not aware of what the products offer, they will not make a purchase. Because this is the case, the CPG marketers must think of revolutionary and new methods to facilitate the connection between the brands and the consumers. Aside from this, they must perform this operation in a manner that takes advantage of their available assets. The good news is that integrating notable awards, seasonality and customer reviews into premium search ad copy will assist marketers with their tasks.

Since the consumers are more likely updated with current trends (thanks to the evolution and affordability of computers and the Internet) and are interested to know what other people have to say about a specific topic, they will have the urge to purchase goods that have been recommended by reputable individuals and are current. Simply put, consumers will look for validation prior to purchasing a product.

If the CPG marketers are able to integrate notable awards, seasonality and customer reviews into the premium search ad copies about packaged consumer goods, they will be able to capitalize on this mentality. Doing do allows them to build a potent message that will enhance the awareness of the brand and will resonate with the buyers.