Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Effect of the Bioterrorism Act on Food Exports

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During the year 2002, the United States FDA (Food and Drug Administration, the food control group of the Department of Health and Human Services) enacted the Bioterrorism Act (Public Heath Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act) to take extra steps to guard the populace from an actual or threatened terrorist attack on American food supplies and other emergencies that are related to food. 

Philippine food exporters must be aware of the new regulations that the FDA has established to carry out this important act. To summarize, these new rules require food businesses to register their company with the FDA, and the FDA must be informed when there will be a new shipment of food that is imported from other countries. Advance notice of these shipments lets the FDA (supported by the CBP (Bureau of Customs and Border Protection)) effectively focus on their import inspections and protect the food supply of the country against public health crises or terrorist acts. Aside from these requirements, food suppliers and distributors that are exporting their goods to America have to submit relevant information about their conveyance and cargo to the Customs department prior to the merchandise arriving at the border. 

Food suppliers and distributors can register in the website of the FDA, or submit a CD-ROM or paper form with their registration information. More information on this topic and frequently asked questions can be found at:

For the guidance of the Philippine food exporters, shipments that arrive via road transportation must have their paperwork secured no less than 120 minutes prior to arriving at their destination. If the shipments will be transferred by train, the documents have to be approved by the FDA at least 240 minutes before the rail transport gets to its destination. If an airplane will deliver food, papers have to the issued and approved at least 240 minutes prior to arrival. Finally, food that is transported by water must have their documents secured at least 320 before the shipment arrives.